PT. Yosomulyo Jajag is awarded a "Gold" rating in a sustainability assessment by EcoVadis. "Gold" rating is awarded to companies that score in the top 5% of all eligible companies.

We at PT. Yosomulyo Jajag support the decisive steps taken by the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement, whereby Greenhouse Gas Emissions will be gradually reduced in companies through best management practices and action plans to achieve the set reduction target of 20% in 2030.

Environmental Sustainable Policy
PT.Yosomulyo Jajag realizes that the business we run will have a lot of negative impacts on the environment and OHS. We are committed and will look for the best way to manage and reduce or even eliminate these negative environmental and OHS impacts.

We are committed to:
A. Conservation and Biodiversity
In an effort to maintain good environmental conditions, we are also committed to:
1. Protect areas of high conservation value within our concessions.
2. Prohibit the use of pesticides prophylactically other than in exceptional circumstances that must be approved by the Board of Directors.
3. Carry out reforestation in the work area as our conservation activity.
4. Support external programs or independent programs to preserve the environment or increase biodiversity, or contribute to science in this field, for example by carrying out planting activities in regional rehabilitation areas.
5. We are committed to conserving rare and endangered species. We have a strict zero tolerance policy against the hunting, injury, possession and killing of rare and endangered species.

B. Energy, Pollution and Greenhouse Gases
We are committed to improving energy efficiency, reducing pollution and mitigating greenhouse gases.
1. We continue to make efforts to encourage wiser use of electricity and fossil fuels in our operational activities;
2. In each activity, we will consider mitigation in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
3. Top management assisted by the HSE Team will identify, monitor and publicly report all sources of greenhouse gas emissions throughout its operational system in accordance with international standards;
4. Supporting decisive steps taken by the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement, whereby Greenhouse Gas Emissions will be gradually reduced in companies through best management practices and action plans to achieve the set reduction target of 20 % in 2030 compared to the initial data in 2021;
5. We strive to prevent intentional and unintentional air pollution due to the production process by ensuring regular monitoring and measurement of the ambient air environment around the factory according to the directions from the Indonesian government, and carrying out the control by carrying out greenery in the area around the factory.

C. Occupational Health and Safety
We recognize the importance of creating a healthy and safe work environment for all employees, contractors, consultants and company guests.
1. We conduct an OHS Risk assessment, to find out where the work risks may exist so that mitigation or substitution actions can be carried out.
2. We provide PPE for all employees, guests and contractors who do work on our premises.
3. We provide health infrastructure for all workers.
4. We include all workers in the Occupational Health Insurance program that applies in the Republic of Indonesia.
5. We provide annual medical examinations to all workers to determine health conditions related to work.
6. We comply with all applicable laws, one of which is by setting a Zero Accident target in all work operations in our company.
7. We make sure to provide Material Safety Data Sheets for all products to inform our customers about the hazards and measures that can be taken to control exposure, emergency and first aid procedures.

D. Use of Chemicals
We are committed to not using chemicals or reducing chemicals use in our processes.

E. Waste
We are committed to conducting waste management according to proper practice.
1. Through the HSE Team, we minimize waste by regularly evaluating operational activities to look for opportunities to reduce material use and recycle materials.
2. We ensure all waste is managed with proper management in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
3. The waste we produce is properly segregated and disposed of, according to its toxicity or other hazardous characteristics.
4. We will minimize the production of waste generated by up to 1% annually.

F. Water
We recognize that water is essential for life, so we are committed to:
1. Maintain water quality from natural streams and water bodies in the environment around the factory.
2. Actively monitor water quality.
3. Campaign to all employees about the importance of water saving.
4. Treating domestic wastewater so that it does not pollute the environment.
5. We strive to save water consumption by 2% annually, which is reviewed annually.

Surabaya, May 19, 2023

Tony Kuntjoro

ISO standards are crucial to sustainable development. Our ISO 9001, 14001, 26000, 27001, 37001 and 45001 certifications support good sustainability practices both at the environmental and social level.

Sustainability Activity
PT. Yosomulyo Jajag began its sustainable plant activities which emphasize the role of nature in creating production sites that are in harmony with their natural surroundings.

Emission Data
Our HSE Team identify, monitor and publicly report all sources of greenhouse gas emissions throughout its operational system in accordance with international standards.

Sustainability Development Goals
PT Yosomulyo Jajag supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals through its 17 SDGs Program.